For most people, when renovating your home there are a few must haves in any good design. Meeting budget requirements, improving building amenity by enhancing functionality, and thirdly, ending up with a result that you the home owner are proud of both aesthetically and practically.

In this project we shaved off existing roof edges, popped up a first floor addition, increased garage utility space, and added an elevated outdoor deck area; resulting in a modest extension that ticks all of the above boxes.

Sharp lines create simple rectilinear (straight) geometries, representing internal zones within. Externally the existing building form, finished in a two tone contrasting colour palette, is replaced with a fresh and contemporary building composition.

This newly revived dwelling promises to enhance the lifestyle and extend the enjoyment of its occupants by creating a building that the home owners are proud to kick their shoes off in.

Currently under construction, due for completion mid 2025.

owner builder

render finish foam board + render finish brick & block


max combi photography